Going For It

Wanted to send out a quick little update before tomorrow. Ton has had a good week, he's stayed stable on his settings even with having some belly pain from his antibiotics. At the beginning of the week they started talking about how he's going into his 5th week on the steroids and how we're going to have to start weaning them soon. They were hoping to extubate before that to give him the best shot. So after a lot of discussion they want to give him a chance tomorrow, assuming he's still doing well. We are super nervous, but excited that they are willing to try. We know it could go terrible like last time, but we also hear a lot of stories about babies surprising the nurses. At least we'll have more information one way or another. They are basically going to try to put him on high flow oxygen, a lot of it. If he does well we would have so much more freedom with him, holding and playing and sitting up in chairs. It would be wonderful, but only Toni knows what he needs! If he doesn't do well he'll go back on the vent on these settings he's on now and we'll reevaluate the plan with the BPD team Tuesday.

Praying that his lungs would do what they need to do and that we can keep him comfortable through whatever happens. And that we can stay strong and accept whatever the outcome may be. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


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