
The past week was pretty uneventful, which is fine. We really just wanted him to stay stable and grow and rest.

A nurse practitioner attempted to fix his PICC line on Monday, but didn't have any success. The problem seemed to be that Interventional Radiology sutured it in place crooked, creating a 90 degree angle in the line. So he still has to get stuck on his heels for his labs and it alarms multiple times a day because it has some kind of kink in it still. We may go back to Interventional Radiology tomorrow since it's time for a dressing change anyway so that they can try to actually rewire it. I don't have super high hopes that they'll be able to make it draw blood and run without issue, but it's worth a shot since we have to take the dressing off anyway. 

The morphine drip seems to have helped and he's getting scheduled anxiety medicine to keep him breathing slow and steady. It's probably the most comfortable week he's had, although the medications scare me. And the morphine is causing constipation again. But, I was able to hold him every day this week, which that was not the case at all the past 2 weeks. He handled most days pretty well, so that was really really nice. 

He's also gotten a lot more swollen again. They've been giving lasix, but it's not working as well as it had been. I'm hoping the extra fluid will come off soon, I hate seeing him like that. And it can't be helping his breathing issues. We're still sitting between 60% and 70% oxygen, on high vent settings. The plan is to start prednisolone on Wednesday, it's a steroid that can be given in a longer course. It can take a couple of weeks to have much effect, but apparently they've seen promising results in weaning babies like Antonio off of the vent with it. Hoping and praying that it really helps him. 

He's technically 7lb 3oz with all of the water weight, but they used 6lb 6oz as his "dry weight" this past week. They update that each Monday. And they are really looking at growth in terms of length, which his could be better. They'll measure his length and head circumference tonight. We did switch his feeding tube from his mouth to his nose today, which will be good for him to not have the breathing tube and the feeding tube in his mouth. And it's easier to clean his face, which I like!

Fredy and I were really hoping to have him off the vent by Halloween. Back before we moved over to this tower everyone swore we'd be home by Thanksgiving. Our goal was home by Christmas. I think it's going to take a miracle for any of that to happen at this point. So I've kind of accepted that everything is unknown, we just have to keep showing up. I've managed to get out to the house a couple of times to get some things done while Fredy was here with Antonio, which helped a lot. We're trying to make it a priority to get out of the room when we can. We actually both left and went to eat and shopped a little last Sunday, that was the first time we'd done something together since my water broke July 2nd. We have to try to weave some normal in when we can. 

That's all for now, thank you all for your prayers and gifts and support. We know that he is so loved by so many!


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