
This morning was filled with negatives, so I thought I'd add some positives. We got the tube switched out and he has been a lot more stable ever since. I finally feel a little more "heard" by everyone now that it became more clear that I wasn't making it up that his tube being placed too high on Saturday was the main reason that he was having so many issues. 

The neonatologist on this week has been the first person to bring up his little malformed right ear to us. She consulted a geneticist to come speak with us this afternoon so we should be hearing next week if there is any genetic tie to it or if it's just prematurity. They'll also talk about consulting plastic surgery after that. 

He's also weighing in at 4 lb 15oz tonight, which is actually 100G less than last night, but I knew his last couple gains were most likely fluid from the blood he got. But I think we're safe to say that he's over 4.5lb at this point! 

We're feeling more hopeful than we were this morning, this morning was rough. So much build up and preparation for the rug to be pulled out from under us 30 minutes after they were already supposed to be picking him up. This experience has just continued to force us to handle more than I would have ever thought was possible. We have to continue to trust that it will be okay, no matter the outcome of all of this. The hardest part is that we can't just sit back and wait completely, we have to continue to advocate for him, which causes more anxiety than anything. When something is missed I not only have mom guilt, but nurse guilt as well, even if I attempted to point it out. 

Thank you all for building us up in prayer and in your words of truth and encouragement. It's crazy that no matter how much you know the truth, in these moments of desperation there can be a fog distorting it, and that can become very dark. God is still good and His Will will be done in the end, we just pray that we would see it as clearly as we can. 

Getting to hold him "normally" for the first time!

He loves to hold his little ear, Fredy thinks it's a self induced in-utero injury!
All wrapped up ready for surgery 😭


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