
Showing posts from August, 2023

First Month

Fredy and I spent the next couple of hours processing what just happened while they monitored me. He had to pack up all of the stuff I had already unpacked for my long stay so that we could move to a postpartum room. We had never decided on a name, we just knew that Antonio would either be his first name or middle name, as that is Fredy's, his dad's and his maternal grandpa's middle name. Because we didn't have a first name that we both liked, we decided that we would use Antonio. We threw around some middle names, but nothing stuck. Fredy suggested that he didn't need a middle name, and that had never occurred to me. We decided that he simply didn't give us enough time for two names, we'd just stick with the one!  Around 6:30AM we were finally allowed to go meet him after being transferred to the post partum unit. When we got to the NICU his oxygen saturation level was only 65-78% (should be above 92%) even with 100% oxygen being delivered through the venti

The Before and The Birth

    I thought it would be a good idea to catch everyone up on our story to start, so I'm going to backtrack to the beginning. I want to lay it all out because this entire experience has not been my plan, that has been very apparent.      We found out that I was pregnant back in March. At 6 weeks I experienced some heavy bleeding, so I was taken in for an ultrasound. They found a subchorionic hemorrhage (bleeding under one of the membranes that surrounds the embryo inside the uterus), but assured me that it could be normal and should resolve on it's own. Again at 13 weeks I had an episode of bleeding. It was assumed to be the same thing. At 21 weeks, after spotting on and off for the 8 weeks in between, my water broke in the middle of the night. I was at my parents' house and Fredy was with his family up in South Bend.   We all made the long drive to Hendricks hospital where my OBGYN is in Danville, IN. I assumed I would lose the baby that day, but thankfully Dr. Boccone ha